LSI.Irradiated Solids Laboratory A joint research unit CEA, CNRS, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France. Physics Research areas Defects, disorder and structureof material Electronic, phononicand photonic excitations Nanomaterials and innovative devices Key figures 28 Permanent researchers 6 Postdoctoral students 11 PhD students 52 Average number of publications per year > Read more > Read more LSI conducts fundamental research to study the physico-chemical properties of materials, with a particular focus on the solid state and its interactions with electronic, ionic and photonic radiation. discover Lsi website > discover Lsi website > Radiation, whatever its nature, is used as a means of analyzing fundamental processes, but can also induce structural modifications, for example. The primary goal is to understand the physical properties, functionalities, structures and shape of materials, control modifications and drive the development of innovative devices that can help meet the energy and environmental challenges facing society. This research also relies on one-of-a-kind platforms such as the SIRIUS electron accelerator.