Physics Research areas Quantum materials Solar flare modeling String theory and cosmology Thermonuclear plasmas Quantum chromodynamics Quantum field theory Chaotic dynamic systems Theoretical ecology Key figures 39 Permanent researchers 19 Postdoctoral students 29 PhD students 100 Average number of publications per year CPHT brings together researchers who focus on developing new physical theories in a wide range of directions. discover CPHT website > discover CPHT website > > Read more > Read more CPHT. Center for Theoretical Physics A joint research unit CNRS, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France. Theoretical physics is the cornerstone of modern science. It seeks to advance our fundamental understanding of the universe, and pave the way for the technologies of tomorrow. As such, the lab studies fundamental interactions, within the framework of quantum chromodynamics or string theory, as well as controlled thermonuclear fusion, the theory of chaotic systems, the analysis of laser-matter interaction, and the development of new theoretical methods for calculating the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials.